Track Goals


I have weekly goals of Improving in a certain area, whether it be FOMO, recusing Stops loss, Trade entry, etc. I typically like to have a daily reminder of what it is I am focused on. It would be cool to have a widget that I can change as needed but lets me see my goal when opening Tradezella, I picture this on the dashboard, front and center with flashing neon lights. :)


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Sam Thorpe

I like this idea. Previously when I was using my own spreadsheet based trading journal, I would do a daily post mortem of a number of trading attributes. This would generate a weighted score and I'd graph my adherence to process against my daily P&L. I definitely found a correlation to the results.

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Patrick Gosselin

wow ! I’m working on a similar chart; yours looks very advanced and really well-made. I would be willing to give you money for your wonderful tool, which resembles the one I’m currently creating and call the mood meter.


Sam Thorpe

Hi Patrick, thanks for the kind words. It's a google sheet. Happy to share it with you. Happy to see others successful and don't need any money for it.

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Patrick Gosselin

It's a great idea, for example, to set a profit target, and when we exceed this number, the P&L could light up in green or flash in a bright color, or have any other indicator that signifies success. This way, we could finish our journal feeling even more satisfied knowing we've achieved the goal we set in advance.